Monday 18 December 2017

What beer to give Santa?

By the end of the week, Santa will be travelling around the world, delivering gifts to good boys and girls (and hopefully some adults too – I hope he got my list).

I might be getting a little old for Christmas, but I love this time of year when the decorations come out, the Christmas themed sweets and desserts go on sale and people frantically run around trying to get gifts.

I very much want to be a father one day and experience the other side of Christmas, I hope that one day my child/ren will ask ‘what should we leave for Santa?’ because I will have the perfect answer for them.


I hope there is some Kahlua in that milk...

Growing up, my brothers and I used to leave out a Boag’s Draught stubbie for Santa, he must love Tasmanian beer because he would leave the stubbie empty for us to find the next morning.

I do have a theory though that Santa might drink different beer around the world, if he lands in Japan he might like a Sapporo (it snows up there over Christmas, so it will still be cold once he gets to it). If he goes to Mexico he would probably like a Corona (but does he prefer a lemon or lime wedge in it?)

If Santa was coming to visit my family what should I leave out for him?

He is driving a sleigh so there is drink driving to consider, but then I don’t want to give him something that will leave a bad taste in his mouth meaning he won’t leave anything.

I wonder if he brought me the carton I wanted?

Personally, I think Santa deserves something nice for the hard work he is putting I over Christmas Eve, I would leave out a Boag’s Red (being that it matches his suit) or even a Boag’s Premium because I only get them for special occasions.

What beer do you leave for Santa, does he always drink it?

Merry Christmas,


So many beers to choose from...

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