Sunday 30 June 2019

Erdinger Wheat Beer

I haven’t had a decent German beer for a while so when I found this among my stash out the back, I knew it was coming out and into the fridge.

Erdinger is a traditional brewery who have been doing it since 1886 so they must be doing something right.

I only studied a little bit of German a long time ago but I’m pretty sure the pronounciation including the funny B in the beers name is ‘wheat’ which is exactly what this beer is.

A half-litre brew that’s 5.3%, its pale-yellow colour is synonymous with wheat beers, it also has some citrus tones to the flavour.

Of course, this Bavarian beer is brewed under the German purity law, another reason to like it as it is a proper traditional beer.

I just need to find some lederhosen and some pretzels and I can have a German party!



Friday 28 June 2019

Little Rivers VoVo Milkshake

Someone recently said to me that I drink a lot of weird beers, and that I should write about them?

… I thought I already did?

This one is definitely a weird one, Little Rivers had a small release of the VoVo Milkshake, I picked up a couple of 500ml cans to find 
out how good they were.

The Iced VoVo is an iconic Australian treat, a biscuit with coconut and raspberry jam. The beer is made pretty much the same but with Branxholm hops, lactose powder, vanilla, biscuit malt, coconut and raspberry jam – according to some research.

I first imagined that this would be a dark tasting beer, boy I was wrong, it was a smooth and sweet tasting brew that very much reminded me of the Arnott biscuit.

Apparently, this is a spin off of the Milkshake IPA that Little Rivers presented at this years Hop Harvest Festival, they get some praise for being experimental.

Another win for craft beer brewers willing to try new things and a win for me for keeping my ear to the ground.



Wednesday 19 June 2019

Little Creatures XPA

Little Creatures XPA is hoppy and refreshing, the beers description says it all.

Using three different hop varieties it bursts with tropical fruit and citrus undertones.

The name XPA has generated some hot debate online over the years, some saying it is made up while others say it’s a different take on a traditional IPA with more hops added.

IPA’s came about with a higher hop content and stronger in alcohol back in the 19th century when England tried sending beer to its troops in India, in order for the beer to survive the journey they had to brew it differently, India Pale Ales have stuck around and have become a popular model for craft beer brewers who like to use different hop varieties to make their product stand out among the rest.

Little Creatures are known for their good quality brews, this is one of their best and one of the best craft beers I’ve had for a while, don’t let the pale blue colour on the label fool you, this beer stands up for itself with 4.9% ABV.

