Sunday 22 March 2015

St. Patrick's Day

St Patricks Day, best celebrated with Guinness
March 17 every year is the day where everyone can be Irish. For Dave’s Beers of The World I am going to cover St. Patrick’s Day and tell you what St. Patricks Day means to me.

Drink Guinness ;-)
First of all, this is virtually the only time of the year when you would catch me drinking Guinness. The dark, rich stout is not to be underestimated. One year I came home late after work and tipped four 500ml Guinness cans into a two litre beer glass. I proceeded to drink the contents at a faster than normal rate and about an hour later I was woken by a knocking on the door – I could feel hot water hitting my head and soaking my body. I was in the shower at 3am in the morning, with my clothes on. Needless to say I don’t remember getting into the shower and turning the water on but I am a bit more careful now when I handle the Irish liquor.

I forgetted afta too manny beeers
Second, St. Patrick’s Day, a part of Irish culture emanates green, which is my favourite colour.
St. Patricks Day is a cultural and religious celebration that marks the death of Saint Patrick (he died on March 17), the foremost patron saint of Ireland. St. Patrick was a Christian Priest who converted thousands in his day, using the three leafed shamrock to do so.

When I think of Irish culture I think back to the cult classic movie The Boondock Saints, and its sequel, All Saints Day. I just wish they would make the third movie though. The movie is filled with Irish references with a lot of funny moments, interesting characters and lots of drinking and swearing. Did I mention about all of the action as well? If you haven’t seen these amazing movies I have attached a link to a part of the first movie below.

Getting back to the topic of drinking…

An Irish stew
If you are wanting to celebrate St. Patricks Day in your own way and you are having a Guinness then I think you are doing it properly. Something else to do would be eat an Irish stew – I had one at a local restaurant last week, chunks of lamb, carrots, potatoes and peas cooked in a mouth-watering broth and heaped over a mound of mashed potato.

If you are adventurous enough with your drinking I recommend an Irish Car Bomb: Get a pint of Guinness and drop a shot glass full of Jameson and Bailey’s into it before drinking.


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