Saturday, 16 March 2019

Hahn Ultra Crisp

Not everyone can enjoy beer, unfortunately people have intolerances and issues with things that go into beer.

I was once asked if there was a gluten free beer, and I felt bad knowing that I couldn’t give a definitive answer.

I’m glad to announce that a brewery has stepped up and made a gluten free beer.

Hahn Ultra crisp has arrived in a flashy green bottle and has given hope to many.

Brewers yeast, wheat and barley are the main reasons most beers don’t make the cut, an essential part of the process.

Hahn overcomes this by using rice to create a low carb reasonably strong product.

On tasting it had the hallmarks of a Hahn Super Dry, it was nice to drink, I give it my thumbs up.

I only hope other breweries take note and do something like this, find ways to make beer enjoyable for everyone.



Friday, 8 March 2019

Beer and Bubs

Becoming a father is a scary experience, men often aren’t sure how to support their partner while they endure nine months of changes and new experiences.

What men do know about – well a lot of us anyway – is beer.
An awesome lady in Australia has created a programme called Beer and Bubs to give fathers to be some confidence and tips on how to survive the journey ahead.

The idea is that people sign up for the course where they can also buy a book and be around other fathers to be in a bar.

A bar is an ideal setting where men are more comfortable and will hopefully start asking the many questions racking their brains.

The sessions are run by a seasoned veteran, in Tasmania’s case an ex-midwife with many years’ experience, he greets the terrified men and assures them that all will be good.

During the session you of course drink beer, have a meal, go through a slide show of handy hints and tips and are introduced to someone who recently did the course and has since become a father where he shares what he went through and answers your questions.

At the end you take the book with you and read up before D-Day.

If you are going to become a father, I highly recommend going to one of these – they are held all around Australia.

