Monday, 21 August 2017

Snake Venom Beer

A special beer brewed in Scotland, this beer is quite rightly named because enough of it will probably kill you. Looking to create the World’s Strongest Beer, Brewmeister Brewery experimented to create a brew that is 67.5% in alcohol content… you read that right, 67.5 bloody percent!

A good whiskey is usually around 40% so this is something spectacular.

Because of the hazardous level with the beer it actually has a warning label on each stubbie, the brewers strongly recommend to not have any more than a small shot per serve and to drink it like a spirit.

It probably kicks like a snakebite too...

Snake Venom was created by using smoked peat malt and two kinds of yeast, it gets its high alcohol level from freezing several times during the fermentation process.
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It does cost a bit but it will definitely give you a buzz.

Who wants to come to Scotland one day and try this with me?



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Sunday, 20 August 2017

Sapporo Beer Festival

A return to my second home at the right time of the year meant that I could return to the Sapporo Beer Festival, a beer lovers dream come true.

Around late July to the end of August, Odori Park, an eleven-block long park in Sapporo becomes a sea of beer gardens, Japan’s main breweries, Asahi, Yebisu, Kirin and Sapporo each have a block to themselves and set up enough room for hundreds at a time.

Odori Park, Sapporo

Once you decide which brewery you want to visit you go to the purchasing area to get a ticket for your drinks and food.

The beer comes in many sizes, you can have a regular mug or go for a mini keg you can pour from by yourself.

Once you have your tickets you go to the collection area and collect your order.

If you can find a seat you are set.
It is the middle of summer at this time of the year in Japan, the sun is hot but doesn’t burn like it does in Australia.

Over one million people pass through the beer festival each year, that is a lot of beer!

It was a great feeling being back, I only wish I could have stayed there all month.

This was me back in 2013 with a 4L tube!

